Setting a goal to reduce weight, many people want to see an instant result. However, the path to slenderness is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. Indeed, there are a huge number of different diets, the authors of which promise minus ten kilograms in two weeks. Starting to eat in accordance with such diets, a person ultimately not only does not improve his physical shape, but also harms his physiological and mental health. Let’s figure out why this happens and how fast diets work.
Before you start following any diet, it is necessary to correctly formulate the ultimate goal. It is important to understand that any fast diet leads to the release of water from the body, not to a decrease in fat mass.
The principle of fast diets is as follows: you quickly lose kilograms, because it is not fat that goes away, but muscle mass and fluid accumulated in the body. It is this fact that explains the short-term effect of fast diets. The faster you lose weight, the less time you will keep the shape you managed to achieve in this way. Moreover, there is an increasing probability not only to return to the initial weight, but even to gain extra pounds in a short period of time.
It is difficult to assess the negative effects of fast diets on the body, because each of us is individual. At the same time, it is important to realize that any fast diet is always a strong stress for the body. An example is a diet that completely eliminates all fats, the so-called “drying”. This will bring the result – a person will be able to become slimmer. However, if you follow such a diet without participating in the weight loss process of nutrition professionals, you can come to negative results, namely a breakdown of health, which can manifest itself in the disappearance of menstruation in women and other adverse consequences for the body.
Let’s consider the TOP 3 most popular ways to lose weight that harm the body:
A diet in which you eat only one product:
Some “experts” advise you to eat during the day for a certain period of time with the same product of your choice: kefir, chocolate or something else. Following this recommendation, you are down gaining the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body. The probability that such a diet can achieve the desired result and preserve it is minimal, but the damage to health can be assessed as enormous.
A diet in which you completely eliminate carbohydrates or fats from your diet:
Without eating foods containing fats or carbohydrates, you risk disrupting your metabolism. This, in turn, is fraught with hormonal disruptions and other adverse health consequences. You should reduce the amount of a nutrient with caution, taking into account the characteristics of your body, but you definitely shouldn’t exclude them.
Salt-free diet:
Complete exclusion of salt and salt-containing products from the diet allows you to remove liquid from the body, not fat cells. Refusal of salt is fraught with a lack of sodium content. This leads to spasms and cramps in the muscles, deterioration of appetite, headache, drowsiness, apathy, impaired coordination of movements.
The most important thing to understand when choosing a diet and drawing up a diet for weight loss is that it is important not only to achieve the goal and consolidate the result, but also to maintain health.