There’s only a month left before the long-awaited vacation. So… it’s time to go on a diet!” – that’s what most people think before the holiday season. However, weight loss is a more complex process that affects all systems of our body. An endocrinologist, says how to do it without stress and with a guaranteed result.
Weight loss is not a cosmetic procedure with a wow effect
Before you start losing weight, you should adjust your thinking. Most often we lose weight in situations where we need to look especially good – before important events, vacation. However, it is always worth remembering that weight loss is not a cosmetic procedure that we do at the moment to get well in the photo and catch admiring glances.
The process of weight loss affects absolutely all the processes of our body. Sharp jumps in the form of a strong calorie deficit or extreme physical exertion deprive him of the opportunity to gradually reconfigure, redistribute body resources. You are experiencing stress, the body is stressed. As a result, everyone loses.
To make the weight loss process as comfortable as possible for the body, I recommend starting now to develop useful habits and bring the body to a constant healthy (and pleasant) weight.
The basis of everything
Winter detox is a concept based on the idea of cleansing the body and restoring its balance in winter. The purpose of winter detox is to improve metabolism, reduce weight and improve overall health.
Unlike popular detox programs, winter detox does not imply a radical restriction of food or prolonged fasting. Instead, it is based on scientific principles and strategies that help the body function effectively in winter conditions.
Of course, the two basic principles that will help you start the program are nutrition and physical activity. A balanced diet includes the right combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as a sufficient amount of nutrients. There are a lot of them in vegetables, whole grains, fish and poultry.
Vegetables and fruits are also an important component of winter detox. They are rich in nutrients as well as fibers that help improve digestion and control appetite. Studies show that increased consumption of vegetables and fruits is associated with a reduced risk of obesity and metabolic diseases.
Also, along with nutritional adjustments, I recommend that you immediately include winter activities such as outdoor walks, gym classes or home training.
What you didn’t know about
Nutrition and physical activity are not the only aspects of smooth weight loss without stress. Below we have collected for you the top most important tips that will help you lose weight without disruptions and deprivation.
Try to set up your sleep mode and be less nervous
Stress activates hormonal and neurochemical mechanisms thatcan contribute to weight gain. One of the key hormones associated with stress is cortisol. Increased levels of cortisol, characteristic of stressful situations, can lead to increased appetite and increased food intake, especially high-calorie and carbohydrate-rich.
One of the hormones associated with the regulation of appetite and saturation is leptin. And it, in turn, is closely related to the quality of sleep. Its deficiency can lead to a violation of the sensitivity of receptors to leptin levels, which causes hunger and increases the desire to consume high-calorie food. In addition, lack of sleep can increase levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite and increases the desire to consume food, especially rich in carbohydrates and fats.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to follow a regular sleep regimen and apply stress management strategies such as meditation, yoga or deep breathing.
Take magnesium baths
Magnesium salt is widely known as an affordable means for relaxation and weight loss. However, it is worth noting here that the effect of reducing body volume does not last very long. Magnesium, like any salt, pulls moisture out of the body. However, gradually she comes back. Therefore, you should not hope for salt as a means to lose weight. Rather, it can be a pleasant weekly corrective and relaxing procedure.
For a magnesium bath, it is enough to add about two cups of magnesium sulfate to a warm bath and stir well to dissolve the salt. Then you can take a bath for 20-30 minutes.
Drink enough water
In winter, many people forget to drink enough water. However, hydration remains an important aspect of detox and maintaining optimal metabolism. It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water during the day.
Take glucose deficiency tests and undergo a thyroid examination
As an endocrinologist, I can’t ignore this important aspect. Deficiency or excess of certain substances in our body can also cause weight gain. Adjustments will help to reconfigure the body, and make the weight loss process even easier and more enjoyable.
Conduct the two most important check-ups:
Glucose level: Winter is often accompanied by increased food intake, especially sweets and carbohydrates. Checking blood glucose levels can help identify early signs of diabetes or carbohydrate metabolism disorders.
Thyroid examination: The thyroid gland plays an important role in the regulation of metabolism. The winter period can affect its function. Thyroid examination, including measuring the level of thyroid hormones (T3 free, T4 free, TSH), can help identify possible disorders.
And most importantly, eat right and be healthy!